InVision Human Services | The InVisionary News & Views

The InVisionary

The InVisionary

See the latest news and views from InVision Human Services.

A Lifetime of Advocacy

A Lifetime of Advocacy

Gary Blumenthal, InVision's vice president of government relations and advocacy, has dedicated his career to the service of people experiencing disabilities. Gary's story is an exceptional example of the importance of our continued advocacy efforts in support of the ID/A community.

Prioritizing Self-Care and Wellness

Prioritizing Self-Care and Wellness

Since 2018, the month of August has been nationally recognized as Wellness Month - promoting self-care and overall wellness that can often be forgotten during our day-to-day lives. Let's dive into the purpose of Wellness Month, as well as the importance of wellness and ways to practice self-care! Read more




Toward the end of July, a group of InVision team members attended TPA's annual conference, TPACON. Read more for an overview on the updates and insights shared at the conference this year! Read more


InVision Leadership Releases Statement Regarding the Governor's FY 24/25 Budget

InVision Leadership Releases Statement Regarding the Governor's  FY 24/25 Budget

InVision Human Services Founder and President Ruth E. Siegfried and CEO Kim Love issue joint statement in response to the Governor's signing of the fiscal year 2024-25 state budget. Read more
