InVision Human Services | The InVisionary News & Views

The InVisionary

shapiro administration

InVision Leadership Releases Statement Regarding the Governor's FY 24/25 Budget

InVision Leadership Releases Statement Regarding the Governor's  FY 24/25 Budget

InVision Human Services Founder and President Ruth E. Siegfried and CEO Kim Love issue joint statement in response to the Governor's signing of the fiscal year 2024-25 state budget. Read more


Celebrating PA Governor Josh Shapiro's Budget Address: A Win for Disability Service Providers

Celebrating PA Governor Josh Shapiro's Budget Address: A Win for Disability Service Providers

In his 2024-25 state budget address on February 6, 2024, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro proposed a historic investment in intellectual disability and autism (ID/A) services. The proposal includes over $480 million to bolster HCBS mainly through increased rates for DSP wages! Read more


State Budget Debate: Intellectual Disability Community Resolves Not to be Left Behind

State Budget Debate: Intellectual Disability Community Resolves Not to be Left Behind

Gary Blumenthal, InVision's vice president for government relations & advocacy, shares his thoughts on the ongoing PA budget debate in his latest op-ed. Read more
