Our Guiding Principles at Work | We Embrace Change

The InVisionary

Our Guiding Principles at Work | We Embrace Change

Our Guiding Principles at Work | We Embrace Change
Do I or others like or want to change? What does it mean to embrace change? The definition of the guiding principle ‘we embrace change’ states that people can be agile, adaptable, and strategic as we overcome challenges and seek new opportunities. The definition of embrace is an act of accepting or supporting something. Change is a familiar word known by everyone that means to alter, modify, become different. However, when we encounter the need or prospect of change it usually causes distress or discomfort. We often anticipate that change will be difficult, disruptive and feel like a theft of how you have always done things. Therefore, the prospect of change is avoided from our tendency to see it as a problem or obstacle rather than an opportunity for learning and growth. 

I have worked in the field of mental health for a long time, and as a licensed social worker, I have been committed to the concept of a social worker being a “change agent of and for the people.” I viewed change in the context of doing good (i.e., altering a person’s capability or an organization’s success) and not for destruction or harm. In my change agent mind, change is akin to "making people and organizations better." As a therapist, I am motivated to help a person outline the necessary steps to consider making a change. The primary reason people want or need to change is because of their internal factors. These can include feelings, thoughts, mental health issues, personal beliefs, or new goals. Sometimes it is a key event that “flipped a switch” for them – a tipping point that empowered them to make (and truly accept) a change. Intrinsic motivations can also result from one’s response to an external experience, or from those who have authority over us and mandate change. 

Whether we like it or not, change is unavoidable. When a major change seems forced on us, it can be easy for a person to fall into despair, anger, resentment, fear, and seeing nothing but obstacles. We all know that people only begin to be open to accepting, embracing, and making a change when their mindset starts to shift from thinking change is going to be difficult and be more work or stressful (obstacle) to change could be doable and make my job/life more meaningful (opportunity). When an organization introduces a change, most people immediately want to know three things: why is it happening, what does this change mean to me, and what will it look like when the change occurs?  A good recent example of an imposed change to our usual practice is Performance Based Contracting

Why is this happening? 

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) recently released the following statement, “ODP intends to implement a new way of selecting and managing providers in the state of Pennsylvania who offer residential services for people with intellectual disabilities and autism, called Performance Based Contracting. This will be an Alternative Payment Model (APM), with pay-per-performance measures that may include payments for reporting, and payments and/or bonuses for achieving quality outcomes. For residential services, ODP will establish three tiers – Primary Providers; Select Residential Providers; and Clinically Enhanced Residential Providers – with specific criteria to evaluate eligibility.”

What does this change mean to me, and what will it look like when the change occurs?

InVision Human Services’ Chief Operating Officer (CEO), Kim Love, demonstrated the definition of the guiding principle “we embrace change” by showcasing that people and organizations can be agile, adaptable, and strategic as we overcome challenges and seek new opportunities by offering this as a solution to address new regulatory requirements. 

I want to focus on the impact and opportunities this decision has for InVision. As a provider that prides itself on delivering the highest quality support to the people it serves, our goal is to achieve the status of Clinically Enhanced Residential Provider. The efforts required to achieve the status of “Clinically Enhanced Residential Provider” may seem daunting, but this also represents an exciting opportunity for the company. Armed with our guiding principles of embracing change, being accountable, and striving to be better, we are united in our ability to accomplish this goal. Our quest is not simply about checking boxes, it is about something much bigger. This is an opportunity for us to move forward in a way the company has not done in over a decade. 

Kim and the leadership team embraced change by strategically setting goals and objectives for program operations, health services, quality and compliance, and communications and outreach. Committees with employees from various positions throughout the company offered their thoughts and experiences in developing a plan to achieve these goals and objectives. This experience demonstrates our guiding principle of ‘we are open and honest,’ making sure our communication allows everyone at InVision to feel a sense of empowerment and be an integral part of the organization. 

I believe the change of Performance Based Contracting has been a catalyst of energy to look at all we do, how we do it, and what we can do in the future. Kim and the leadership team have attempted to answer by their actions and quarterly catch-up communication meetings by sharing what most people immediately want to know: why is it happening, what does this change mean to me, and what will it look like when the change occurs?          
Oliver Stedeford
Director of InVision Behavioral Health

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