A time of tragedies and actions | The InVisionary

The InVisionary

A time of tragedies and actions

InVision’s Founder and President/CEO Ruth Siegfried recently addressed the following message to staff expressing her grief at the tragedies that have torn through communities across the nation over the past few weeks. She acknowledges that by choosing to act in these difficult times—bound by the strength and resilience we all share—we can make a difference:


It is with a very heavy heart that I am thinking of you all today, after the extreme tragedies of yesterday, the week before, and nearly every day across this country. Mass shootings are so common now that we rarely hear of them—after all, there have been over 200 in the first five months of 2022. But the last weeks have been extreme. People in a grocery store, targeted by race. Children in school, targeted by vulnerability. 

InVision is a diverse collection of people – many races and backgrounds, immigrants, and indigenous people; LGBTQ+ people; young and not-so-young; religious in many forms, and atheists too. We are fortunate to share one thing, though, and it is concern for others. We care. We have empathy. We stand up for those who need a bit of extra help. Today, I think we need to hold in our hearts all those who are touched by these tragedies, and that includes each other. In the next days–weeks–years–let us not stop with “thoughts and prayers”. Let us consider how we can act to make our communities safer for all. We can each act in different ways. But please find a way to act.
Holding each of you in my heart,



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