While Aaron Borchert’s article, “
ODP to Implement a New Payment Model for Residential Services” focuses on how and why Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs plan to change how they select, manage, and pay for residential services within the Commonwealth, I want to focus on the impact and opportunities this decision has for InVision.
The efforts required to achieve the top tier status of “Clinically Enhanced Residential Provider” may seem daunting, but this also represents a very exciting opportunity for the company. Armed with our
guiding principles of embracing change, being accountable, and striving to be better, we are united in our ability to accomplish this goal. Our quest isn’t simply about checking boxes, it is about something much bigger. This is an opportunity for us to move forward in a way the company hasn’t done in over a decade. At the outset, InVision was a trailblazer and innovator in the field of supporting people who experience intellectual disabilities and autism (ID/A) by customizing their supports and honoring their voice. Performance Based Contracting is the vehicle we will use to advance these foundational concepts even further.
The goal of being a provider of choice for people with ID/A will be achieved by focusing on three distinct but aligned paths.
Quality Clinical Supports: We are bringing back the position of clinical director to manage the behavior specialists and focus on ensuring stronger partnerships with those we serve. This team will assist in the formal implementation of trauma informed care practices and strengthening the customization of the supports people receive. Our health services team will create health and wellness activities, giving people ample choices and opportunities to live healthy and active lives. DSPs and front-line supervisors will be credentialed to reinforce quality support and supervision and create greater retention and stability. Lastly, we are developing self-advocacy and family member engagement groups who will provide us critical insights into what people want and need and how we can improve our partnerships to support people in living lives filled with meaning.
Employee Experience: Our passionate and dedicated InVision team members are the key to our success. We are committed to advancing employee experience through our employee engagement and diversity committees, professional development offerings, policy development, as well as compensation and benefit review. While we are committed to enhancing our employee’s experience and engagement, we acknowledge that these things take time. We ask for your patience and trust as we gather information, evaluate options, and explore what’s possible. There are parameters to what we can do but we are committed to a workplace that people are proud to be part of, and are valued, informed, and heard.
Data Driven: A critical component to enhancing employee experience and the quality of our support is ensuring we have accurate information. Improved data collection and analysis will allow us to better understand the wants and needs of employees and people supported, gaps in what we’re providing as an organization, and some insight into how to improve. Through embracing technology and allowing data to be a part of our decision making, we will create efficiencies and better understand all areas of the company, allowing us to be more agile and responsive.

InVision and our teams are well positioned to accomplish our goals and we will do so together, united in our commitment to helping the people we serve live their best lives.
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